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The Man Named VOTT

Emerging from a lower-middle-class background in Charleston, VOTT’s upbringing was steeped in the region’s rich culture, with strong ties to Africa and the Caribbean. His musical journey began with a profound love for the sounds and people around him, leading him into the realms of hip-hop and R&B. Despite facing the same trials that challenge many young artists today, VOTT’s resilience, determination, and introspection propelled him forward. He refused to abandon his musical dreams and embarked on a new path.

He dedicated his energy to education and pursued business studies while constantly thinking about his passion for music. Mastering the business techniques necessary for success in the complex music industry, VOTT created a bridge between his two skills to rise from his lower-class background in Charleston, break through the walls of the music industry, and land on the big-time music stage.

The Music of VOTT

VOTT’s music is a testament to his diverse experiences and influences. His extensive travels across the four hemispheres of Africa have profoundly shaped his sound, infusing it with a unique blend of cultures and musical styles. His music is a fusion of where he comes from, where he’s been, and who he has become – a blend of hip-hop, R&B, New Orleans Bounce, and Latin Trap, all rooted in Afrobeats. This unique sound, which can only be described as VOTT, will captivate your interest and leave you craving more.

What the “Heart Breaker” EP Promises

VOTT’s latest EP, ‘Heartbreaker,’ showcases his artistic growth and evolution within the Afrobeats sound. This EP, which follows his last release, “Kiss On Me,” five years ago, features a more mature and refined sound. The track ‘Motion’ stands out as a testament to VOTT’s depth and growth within the Afrobeats genre. ‘Heartbreaker’ is a personal journey through VOTT’s experiences, struggles, and evolution as an artist, inviting listeners to join him on this musical voyage. This EP is the culmination of VOTT’s long-term project, reflecting his artistic development through the Afrobeats soundscape. It’s more than just music; it’s an experience readily available on Spotify.